Careers • 7 min read EQ vs IQ: Misled and Oversold on Emotional Intelligence How important is emotional intelligence to your career and where does EQ stand relative to IQ? Overestimating the importance of…
Leadership • 6 min read Creative Leaders vs Controlling Leaders In his classic The Adult Learner, Malcolm Knowles makes the distinction between creative leaders and controlling ones. By understanding teams…
Human OS • 4 min read The Dark Side of Active Listening We are being constantly told to be better communicators. As part of this push, courses and programs tell us to…
public Frameworks/Mental Models • 4 min read Singular Big Bet vs Multiple Small Bets-Two Contrasting Approaches to Strategy In their book, Business Experimentation, Rob James and Jules Goddard highlight two approaches to strategy that are diametrically opposite to…
Organizations • 5 min read John Doerr on OKR Hygiene A successful [OKR] system needs only to answer two questions: 1. Where do I want to go? (The answer provides…
public Leadership • 4 min read Barbara Kellerman on the Blindspots of Leadership Courses and Programs The leadership industry and its proponents (including yours truly) can almost come across as religious fanatics and preachers spreading the…
public Leadership • 15 min read The Case for Naive Leaders over Clever, Sophisticated Ones Being naive has a default negative connotation —ignorant, uninformed, incredulous, or even incompetent. One class of people who exclusively avoid…
Knowledge Work • 9 min read Peter Drucker’s Memo to Elon Musk on Managing Knowledge Work The ongoing turbulence at Twitter under the mercurial and coercive leadership of Elon Musk is perhaps one of the biggest…
public Human OS • 5 min read Donald Schon on The Paradox of Real Learning Often in coaching engagements, clients are asked to "try on" a new behavior just as they would try…
Frameworks/Mental Models • 4 min read Strategy as Tetris rather than Chess Is chess a good analogy to describe decision making and strategy in organizations? For most folks, probably not. Less in…
public Leadership • 5 min read Carl Rogers On Why Teaching is Overrated Carl Rogers, one of the most pre-eminent psychologists of the twentieth century, delivered a speech at Harvard in 1952 that…
public Careers • 3 min read Four Types Of Careers and their Learning Barriers In their book Coaching with Colleagues, Erik de Haan and Yvonne Burger identify four common but prominent career patterns: • The…