Leadership • 2 min read Mintzberg on Managing the Flow of Information and Influence Managerial effectiveness often hinges on how well their unit interacts not just internally but externally as well. In one definition,…
public Frameworks/Mental Models • 11 min read What is Implicit Leadership Theory and How it Affects Careers What makes someone “leadership material”? We would like to think there’s an objective answer to that question. But often…
public Frameworks/Mental Models • 16 min read Why Developing Negative Capability is Critical in Leadership We think of capability as a positive term— it’s active and additive rather than passive and subtractive. In leadership,…
public Frameworks/Mental Models • 30 min read A Strategy of Small Wins and Small Bets - Typical Mistakes and How to Get it Right In 1984 Karl Weick published a seminal paper titled Small Wins in the American Psychologist Journal. Four decades later, the…
Organizations • 3 min read Metanoia-Learning as a Strategy Organizational learning as one of the central pieces of strategy is still not as common as one would think. It&…
Careers • 19 min read 35 Essential Mid Career Change Frameworks Changing or quitting careers is hard. Doubly so in mid-career. Should I quit or stay? I grappled with that question…
public Frameworks/Mental Models • 20 min read The Mundanity of Excellence - Greatness as Mastering the Mundane Greatness and mastery always look shrouded in mystery from the outside. But look closely and it's more about…
Complexity • 5 min read Strategic Timeframes - Balancing Long Term Focus with Short Term Actions Leadership, management, and organizations are riddled with paradoxes. The more we recognize them the more we can be effective in…
public Frameworks/Mental Models • 30 min read How Bezos Thinks - All his Frameworks and Mental Models In 1994 Amazon was just an idea in someone’s head, that of Jeff Bezos. Today it's a…
Complexity • 3 min read Linear Causality vs Circular Causality in Decision Making The "if...then" way of thinking about cause and effect is common in business. Circular causality is often…
Leadership • 7 min read Leadership can be learned but cannot be taught — the role of coaching Leadership as with any skill is something we can learn. Paradoxically though, it cannot be taught. How do we navigate…
Leadership • 7 min read Using Deliberate Practice to Increase Leadership Effectiveness Deliberate practice is one of the few proven research-backed frameworks to improve performance. But it's not used enough…