Leadership • 7 min read Circle of Control, Influence, and Acceptance: Where to Focus Your Energy How do effective leaders maintain their composure when everything seems out of control? They’re adept at discerning what they…
Leadership • 7 min read The Trust Triangle of Leadership How can I be more trustworthy? How can I show up more authentically? Leaders at all levels grapple with this…
Organizations • 14 min read Sources of Power in Organizations What makes some folks and certain teams more powerful than others in organizations? What is the source of their power?…
Organizations • 7 min read Assertive Inquiry Can balancing advocacy with inquiry be implemented at an organizational level? Turns out, you can. Roger Martin is one of…
Leadership • 10 min read Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Modern Leadership The framework of ethos, pathos, and logos was developed in the 4th century BC by Aristotle. It’s a simple…
Leadership • 9 min read Balancing Advocacy and Inquiry Most advice on leadership communication focuses on getting better at advocacy – crafting the message, effective delivery, and so on. What…
Leadership • 4 min read Filters in Communication When we communicate, there are several layers of invisible filters that can muddle the message. Knowing the most common communication…
Leadership • 6 min read Locus of Control: A Leadership Perspective Locus of control refers to how we view circumstances in terms of the amount of control we have over situations…
Leadership • 10 min read 20 Leadership Capacities based on Systems Thinking Understanding systems thinking is a must for modern leaders. In Reading the Room, David Kantor outlines a list of leadership…
Complexity • 8 min read The Systems Thinking Iceberg The systems thinking iceberg is a useful thinking model for leaders when dealing with intractable problems that never seem to…
Frameworks/Mental Models • 13 min read Cognitive Distortions that Undermine Clear Thinking Leaders are paid to think clearly. And a big impediment to clear thinking is what CBT/REBT calls Cognitive Distortions:…
Leadership • 7 min read 7 Principles of Effective Constructive Feedback Most managers suck at giving effective, constructive feedback. Equally, most of us are bad at receiving and processing constructive feedback.…