Self-Mastery • 9 min read Design Principles for Practicing Reflection For leaders and managers, the art and practice of doing regular reflection is essential to functioning at peak levels. The…
Leadership • 6 min read Do Leaders Have to Be Confident? What's the role of confidence in leadership? Is it a requirement for being an effective leader? How confident…
Leadership • 10 min read Why Netflix Leads with Context not Control Control was the dominant management paradigm in early twentieth century industrial factories. A century later, in many modern workplaces it…
Leadership • 11 min read MBWA : The Lost Art of Managing by Wandering Around Managing effectively using data is all the rage today. But most of it is shallow "hard data". The…
Organizations • 4 min read Still In Search of Excellence — Attributes of the Best Run Companies According to one estimate, around 12,000 business books are published every year. But back in 1982 this was not…
Self-Mastery • 9 min read The Stupidity of My SMART Goals - Mistakes and Learnings SMART goals is a widely accepted framework coming out of goal setting research. Every other organization uses it in some…
Complexity • 7 min read Why We Copy Leaders — A Complexity Point of View Leaders are often cautioned to watch their actions and behavior because it sets an example and gets replicated through the…
Leadership • 6 min read Warren Bennis on Self Invention and Authenticity in Leadership Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. — Leo Tolstoy Leaders are often mentioned in…
Leadership • 16 min read Leadership as More a Decision than Skill or Ability The default way of looking at leadership ability is in terms of skill, style, or talent, which in turn drives…
Organizations • 8 min read Andy Grove on Balancing Top-down vs Bottom-up Approaches to Leadership Ever wonder why that particular initiative of yours never got traction? Organizational politics kills more initiatives than people realize, and…
Complexity • 9 min read Gen. Stan McChrystal: The Leader as Gardener How do you view your role of leader or manager? Is it as a chess master or a gardener? The…
Leadership • 3 min read James MacGregor Burns on Self-Actualization, Self-Esteem and Effective Leadership Can you teach leadership? What is the link between self-esteem, or the lack thereof, and effective leadership? What about Maslow&…