public Self-Mastery • 10 min read The Johari Window: A Guide for Leaders The Johari Window is used to understand how we communicate based on self-knowledge and how others see us. It’s…
public Careers • 16 min read If Vincent van Gogh Was Your Career Coach Most of us have heard of Vincent van Gogh the artist but not many are aware that he was an…
public Human OS • 5 min read Building vs Buying Complexity: the Pleasure of Process Increasing entropy is the natural state of the universe — everything disintegrates to lower levels of order, especially living things. But…
public Self-Mastery • 6 min read The Deliberate Amateur Would you rather be a pro or an amateur? How about choosing between sophistication and naiveté? Most of us choose…
Self-Mastery • 10 min read Conceptual vs Experiential learning Do you consider yourself an effective leader? What about parenting? When you think of getting better at something, what'…
Self-Mastery • 9 min read Design Principles for Practicing Reflection For leaders and managers, the art and practice of doing regular reflection is essential to functioning at peak levels. The…
public Leadership • 6 min read Do Leaders Have to Be Confident? What's the role of confidence in leadership? Is it a requirement for being an effective leader? How confident…
public Self-Mastery • 9 min read The Stupidity of My SMART Goals - Mistakes and Learnings SMART goals is a widely accepted framework coming out of goal setting research. Every other organization uses it in some…
public Leadership • 16 min read Leadership as More a Decision than Skill or Ability The default way of looking at leadership ability is in terms of skill, style, or talent, which in turn drives…
public Frameworks/Mental Models • 20 min read The Mundanity of Excellence - Greatness as Mastering the Mundane Greatness and mastery always look shrouded in mystery from the outside. But look closely and it's more about…
Leadership • 7 min read Leadership can be learned but cannot be taught — the role of coaching Leadership as with any skill is something we can learn. Paradoxically though, it cannot be taught. How do we navigate…
Self-Mastery • 11 min read Types of Goals - Understanding the Nuances of Effective Goals Goals and objectives are part of modern organizational reality. They are common parlance to the point where we often take…